Accelerated Underwriting: Maximizing Its Future

The decades-long march toward speed and simplicity in life insurance underwriting, powered by advances in technology and data analytics and, more recently, amplified by the challenges of COVID-19, is expanding the footprint of accelerated underwriting. The primary goal of accelerated underwriting (AU) is to reduce the need for the in-person medical exams and lab tests used in traditional underwriting, thus accelerating the process of policy issuance. By deploying risk-scoring tools and other models made possible by growing access to customer information, insurers can offer alternatives to traditional testing and provide a more client-centric experience. Looking ahead, AU’s sophisticated risk assessment tools offer exciting possibilities to enable faster underwriting within established risk tolerance levels and greater product personalization. To predict where AU may be headed, it helps to understand where it came from.

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The decades-long march toward speed and simplicity in life insurance underwriting, powered by advances in technology and data analytics and, more recently, amplified by the challenges of COVID-19, is expanding the footprint of accelerated underwriting. The primary goal of accelerated underwriting (AU) is to reduce the need for the in-person medical exams and lab tests used in traditional underwriting, thus accelerating the process of policy issuance. By deploying risk-scoring tools and other models made possible by growing access to customer information, insurers can offer alternatives to traditional testing and provide a more client-centric experience. Looking ahead, AU’s sophisticated risk assessment tools offer exciting possibilities to enable faster underwriting within established risk tolerance levels and greater product personalization. To predict where AU may be headed, it helps to understand where it came from.

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